Carpet To Help Allergies

Why Carpet May Be a Better Option For Those Suffering from Allergies

Carpet to help with allergies? Really? Yes.

You’ve probably heard that carpet is not a good choice for people who have allergies. And, why this may be true in one sense, it’s definitely not applicable to all products, and definitely not to every household. This is because quite a few carpet materials can actually benefit people with allergies, even more so than hard material surfaces. So, read on to learn more about how carpets can help with allergies and what you need to know.

Carpet to Help Allergies

There’s been a long perception that carpet is always bad for people with allergies, particularly for young families. But, this just isn’t always the case. Carpet fibers are well known to trap all sorts of things. However, with regular cleaning and some scheduled maintenance, carpet can be a much better choice than hard surfaces. Although this seems counterintuitive, it makes sense once it’s fully explained.

How Carpet Can Help Control Allergies

Here’s how carpets can help control allergies. When microscopic and even larger particles are present in a home, they’ve all got to go somewhere. Unsurprisingly, these particles typically settle on the floor, regardless of the material, due to gravity. If the surface of said floor is covered in carpet, those particles remain trapped in the fibers and therefore do not circulate through the air in the house.

Conversely, when allergens are present in a home, and those particles fall onto a hard surface, there’s nothing to hold them there. So, when people walk on the floor surface, or when air circulates through a home, or pets move around, those allergens are then kicked up into the air, ultimately picked up into the central air system, and then widely dispersed through the same central air system back into every room in the house.

Although central air systems are equipped with filters, these filters do not catch 100% of the particles. Moreover, dirty filters equal dirty air. This means that people with allergies who live in homes with hard floor surfaces will be exposed to more allergens more of the time circulating through the house.

Why Hard Flooring may Not be Right

There’s at least one more reason that hard flooring may not be right for a household with allergies. Hard surfaces can contain volatile organic compounds or VOCs. These gasses are present in just about any type of synthetic flooring, and according to the Mayo Clinic, the volatile organic compound gasses are usually released within the first days of installation, which can worsen asthma.

How to Choose the Right Carpet to Help Control Allergies

Now that it’s been explained, it’s probably pretty clear why carpet can actually be a good choice for households with allergies. But, not all types of carpet will be beneficial to people with allergies. Just like with anything else, some products perform better than others. So, it’s very important to choose a carpet product that will be the best for households with allergies.

The best way to choose the right carpet for people with allergies is to consult an experienced professional. You can speak with one in order to determine which product might suit your living situation best. What you want to know about is not only allergy characteristics but also other elements.

For instance, you’ll want to choose a carpet product that is long-lasting and also provides the best aesthetics for your home. Additionally, you’ll also want a carpet that is comfortable, so it makes the quality of life in the house better. This is usually attributed to thickness, but this isn’t a hard and fast rule.

Also, you’ll want to know as much as possible about warranties. Different manufacturers offer different types of warranties and you should compare and contrast these terms in order to help make an informed decision.

Some carpet products, as mentioned above, will help with allergies more than others. So, when you speak with an experienced flooring professional, be sure to inquire about which materials or the best for your specific set of needs.

Lastly, if you decide to go with carpet or another type of flooring, be sure to ask questions about installation and what you can expect from its performance. Some flooring materials last much longer than others and all are regularly subjected to a number of things, including foot traffic, spills, furniture, pets, and much more.

When you’re ready to start shopping for a new carpet for your home, be sure to contact our expert flooring team here at Vision Flooring, who can give you all the information you need about installation, care and maintenance, and more. Speaking to an experienced flooring professional will help you to choose the right product for your home and your individual needs, so you make the right choice and get the most out of it for years to come.